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Local archers bring medals home

Archers from the Cranbrook Archery Club picked up some hardware Saskatchewan, earning medals at the the 2014 Canada Cup.
Members of the Cranbrook archery Club recently picked up some medals at the 2014 Canada Cup in Prince Albert

Local archers from the Cranbrook Archery Club picked up some hardware Saskatchewan this past weekend, earning medals at the the 2014 Canada Cup in Prince Albert.

Kyra Adachi shot for a bronze medal in cadet/master women's compound, while Brittany Johnson won a silver in the junior/senior women's compound. Adam Pitney took silver in the junior/senior men's compound and Jordan Adachi won the same in cadet/master men's compound.

The four represented the club along with Elaine Johnson and Paralympian Kevin Evans and his coach Vladimir Kopecky.

"You don't have to qualify to go to it, but it's one of the largest tournaments that Canada has," said Elaine Johnson, the youth director for the Cranbrook Archery Club.

The archers began the their competition on Saturday, shooting to see how they'd match up against each other the next day.

On Sunday, the shooters were back at it, shooting five rounds of three arrows head-to-head against another opponent. Winners advanced, while the loser was relegated to a lower bracket, with one more chance to get back into the higher-tier category.

While the wind made things interesting for the competitors, the Cranbrook shooters were able to hold their grounds and make their shots count in order to capture their medals.

Johnson said Kyra Adachi's results were particularly impressive, since she was shooting in the cadet division against competitors who were a couple years older.

Jordan Adachi and Adam Pitney had to shoot through the largest field of competitors to earn their medals.

In addition to the Canada Cup, Elaine and Brittany Johnson recently returned from the Gator Cup in Florida—another open invitation shoot that draws the top archers in North America—where they picked up a silver medal in the team category.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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