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Sun Walk

ManWoman poem read at Council to mark Mayor's Poetry Challenge
Astarte Sellars appeared before Cranbrook City Council on March 21st and read Sun Walk

Sun Walk

The sun walked

through my house today

buddha calm

banishing shadows

and the madman in me

basked in the blessing

the sun walked

through my house today

abolishing shadows

in every nook

and every cranny

and the sun laughed

because shadows

are created by light

meeting a wall of resistence


it met no resistence


the sun walked

through my house today

and I heard joy laughing

in the walls

and I heard confidence

singing in my feet

I know who I am

I accept my radiance

confidence yodelling in my feet

as I walk each step

with the sun


mountain goat secure.

and my eyes

my blazing eyes see far

being one with the sun

like a giant flashlight

illuminating my way

illuminating the shadows

under my bed

fear, grief, shame and anger

leap out to greet me

and evaporate


the sun walked

through my house today

even my bathroom was spic and span

ten thousand flushes clean

and the man from Glad

was so glad

his hair turned white

does the sun choose

upon whom it shines?

does the sun withhold it's rays

from anyone?

the sun is radiance

the sun must shine and so must I


the sun walked

through my house today

Sun Walk by ManWoman, 1938-2012