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It happened this week in Cranbrook: 1908/09

News and notes from yesterday, including the adventures and fate of Harry Deacon
Hair neglect illustrated

Dave Humphrey

Items compiled from the archived newspapers held at the Cranbrook History Centre and Archives


No danger in Cranbrook ... Owing to the reckless and extravagant statements made on the outside regarding the condition in Cranbrook, due to the small-pox cases, I consider it necessary for the good of the town to say that there have been a number of extremely mild cases that those were all quarantined and that at no time has it been dangerous for outsiders to visit the town; and business has been carried on without interruption. There are four citizens in quarantine who will be out this week and no new cases have developed, so the disease is completely eradicated, the papers would confer a great favor by giving this information. F. E. Simpson, Ed. Herald

A window dresser par excellence ... W. Burton, who has charge of the great windows in the store of W. T. Reid & Co., has given a pretty demonstration of the fact that in dressing windows he possesses the faculty of combining uniqueness and originality with artistic taste. His St. Patrick's window was a striking illustration of this fact. But he reached the acme of artistic merit in his millinery window, and it stands as one of the very best ever shown in Cranbrook, filled as it is with the latest ideas of the millinery art and so arranged that it appeared like a dream of transcendent beauty.

Sad passing ... It is with deep regret that we have to report the sudden death of one of Mrs. Macleod's hens. This sad event took place some time ago, but was kept quiet by the bereaved relatives. A Coroner's inquest was held and the jury returned a verdict of "death through foul play".


A narrow escape ... two boys start a celebra­tion with serious results. Harry Deacon, a 16 year old boy, whose parents reside at the north end of Cranbrook Street, had an experience this afternoon that will keep him confined to the house for some time. In company with Harry Hall he had got hold of a chunk of stump powder about four inches square and when near the school house they decided to have a little display of fireworks. A match was applied to the powder, followed by a blinding flash and when the smoke cleared away it was found that young Hall had escaped with a slight singeing. But Deacon was not so fortunate. His face and hands were badly burned, the skin coming off in patches and he was minus eyebrows and eyelashes, but his eyes are uninjured. He was taken to his home and Dr. Green summoned to dress the injuries. Young Deacon can congratulate himself that he escaped as luckily as he did and it is almost a miracle that he was not blown to pieces. The boys claim that they found the powder in the alley near Geary & Doyle's livery stable.

Later research added by Dave Humphrey from Cranbrook Herald 1918-10-10 ... It becomes our duty this week to record the death of Sapper Harry Deacon, No. 2024876, who succumbed to the grippe in the military hospital at Montreal on Wednesday, Oct. 2nd at the age of 27 years, 11 months and 6 days. Harry Deacon was born in Rosseau, Ont., in 1890. He moved with his parents to Golden, B. C., when a baby, where he resided for 11 years previous to coming to Cranbrook where he lived for the past 15 years. He heard the call of duty and answered it like a man. He enlisted with the Canadian Engineers on July 30 last and left Vancouver for Montreal on Sept. 6th. It is to be regretted that he did not survive to reach the field of battle, but he was in the line of duty and became a victim to the fortunes of war. Let us hope that he will be able to look over the battlements of heaven and rejoice with the Allies in their coming victory. Hits body was brought to the city yesterday and taken charge of by the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, of which order be was a valued member, having been in the employ of the C. P. R. before enlisting. The body was taken to F. M. MacPherson's undertaking establishment where services were conducted by Rev. Hillis Wright, thence the funeral cortege proceeded to the Cranbrook cemetery. Over the grave was sounded the Last Post by ex-Sergeant Richardson, late of the l35th and now a member of the Herald staff. The Veterans' Association endeavored to get a firing squad from Morressey and give Sapper Deacon a military funeral, but owing to the fact that camp at Morrissey is being broken up it was impossible to get the men together. He is survived by his parents and four sisters; Mrs. J. E. Williams of Seattle; Mrs. A. James of Calgary, and Mrs. McKee and Mrs. Lunn of Cranbrook, who all have the heartfelt sympathy of the whole community.

More fun at the Council ... Several of the aldermen say what they think. Mayor Finlay indulges in sarcastic repartee. The council meetings are rapidly becoming the chief amusement attrac­tion of the city, and lately they are attended by a large number of ratepayers and curious spectators, who go just to see the fun. Last night was no exception, and the council chamber was crowded when the busi­ness of the evening was taken up. Mayor Finlay had come all the way from the Sullivan mine to preside, and he seemed in most excellent form. There was a keen, sarcastic vein in his demeanor, a humorous veil that covered and tinted his ac­tions, a dignity that bespoke con­sciousness of power, a firmness of carriage and suave and smooth ton­gue that demonstrated absolute self-control in the trying position of mayor and presiding officer in turbulent times. Alderman Ryan ex­pressed himself only a few times, and that was in a conflict with Alderman Gill, over the duties of the police commissioners. Alderman Gill was particularly emphatic in his expres­sions during the evening, and gave all to understand that he was pre­sent to do his duty as an alderman regardless of consequences, political­ly, personally or otherwise. Ald. Mc­Cowan had donned his war paint be­fore be left home, and had come pre­pared to carry his fight on a few of his favorite propositions into Africa if necessary. With Mr. McCowan there is no compromise with evil, but in stentorian tones that made the historic walls of the council chamber ring, he demanded the erad­ication of flagrant and open vice in the city, and served notice on the Herald that under the orders of the mayor in regard to gambling, this paper could announce for the benefit of Rev. Kilpatrick, that in the fu­ture Cranbrook would no longer be the "Seat of Satan," but that there would be a tide of tinhorns flowing from Cranbrook to Toronto for safety. Alderman Fink officiated as peacemaker and several times he, poured oil on the troubled waters by mild and conciliatory suggestions, while Alderman Hickenbotham seemed disposed to take matters calmly and judiciously, expressing an opin­ion here and there to strengthen the hand of either Alderman Gill or Alderman McCowan. It was a most entertaining meeting, and those pre­sent are of the opinion that it will soon be necessary to have larger quarters to accommodate the tax- paying public.

At the opera ... "The Minstrel Maids" will play a return engagement at the new Opera house for two nights, Monday and Tuesday, the 23rd and 24th. The advance agent says: "An entirely new programme will be presented. New scenery, new costumes and several new and novel features have been added. Miss Ruby Lang will sing "I'm Afraid to Come Home in the Dark," which is a hit nightly The new musical comedy that the Maids are presenting is entitled "Pikers and Pikers From Budweiser Park." In this Miss Fay Griffin appears in a Dutch character and is the feature of the bill.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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