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It happened this week in Cranbrook: 1907

News and notes from the week of March 26-April 1, 1907
'The Barry' is the best

Dave Humphrey

Items compiled from the archived newspapers held at the Cranbrook History Centre and Archives


Electrical question ... The public meeting called by the city council for last Tuesday evening for the purpose of discussing the proposed electric light by-law was one of the very best ever held in Cranbrook. The hall was fairly well crowded, and the meeting was truly a representative one. Alderman J. P. Fink was called to the chair and City Clerk Roberts was named as secretary. Those present were disposed to treat the proposition fairly, and some were there to express their opinions, but the great majority desired to secure information. It was demonstrated before the close of the meeting that every man was loyal to Cranbrook and Cranbrook institutions, but that naturally there was a difference of opinion here and there as to the best policy to pursue. The great advantage to both the Electric Light company and the people, was the free and untrammeled expression of opinion that prevailed, and in consequence the subject was handled in an intelligent manner and all points connected with the proposed by-law were presented and thoroughly threshed out. It was evident that at the start of the meeting there were many who were undecided as to what attitude they would assume, and they listened attentively to all that was said and the great majority seemed satisfied at the close of the meeting that the company was disposed to do what was right, that the by-law was hedged in by restrictions that would properly protect the property owners, and that it should be passed to assist Cranbrook in its onward movement. The idea of municipal ownership was presented, and were the conditions favorable at this time, there is no doubt but that the idea would have prevailed with the meeting, but an exposition of the facts plainly demonstrated that it was practically impossible for the city to assume the responsibilities of such a financial burden when the borrowing powers of the municipality and its needs for the next two or three years were taken into consideration.

Herald as history recording ... This is number 1, volume 10, of the Cranbrook Herald. It is wonderful what mutations time has wrought in Cranbrook and this district during those nine years. When the Herald was first launched Cranbrook had a population of 30 or 40 people, and the district was virtually nil so far as capital, manufacturing or production was concerned. To-day Cranbrook has a population of 3,000 and is conceded to be one of the very best towns in the interior of British Columbia and millions are invested in the district. Nine years! What a story could be told of the trials and tribulations, of the joys and sorrows, of the success and failures of that period. The Herald is a history of that time. Say, stranger and friend did you ever stop to think of all that the Herald has published in that time, about the country and the people? And did you ever stop to consider the fact that in all that time the Herald has never failed to say a good word for the district, a good word for the town and a good word for every individual in the district whenever the opportunity offered?

Charged with theft ... Monday morning K. Uykematsu, of the Century restaurant, filed a complaint before Police Magistrate Anderson charging Thomas Robertson and Paddy Maddigan with the theft of a sum of money, approximating $200. The parties were arrested and brought before Judge Anderson, where they pleaded not guilty and demanded summary trial. They were tried Tuesday. Although the evidence was purely circumstantial the judge considered it strong enough to warrant him in finding them guilty, and sentenced them to six months each in the provincial jail at Nelson. The Japanese claimed that he had the money in a bed in the kitchen of the restaurant, and that Robertson and Maddigan, who had previously done scullery work at the restaurant, were hanging around the bed Sunday night, and that they were the only ones who could have access to the money between the time it was placed there and the discovery of the loss. The money was not recovered. One thing that made it worse for the prisoners was the fact that when Chief Baron searched them he found letters in Robertson's pockets which proved conclusively that the latter had served time in England.

Pay the man ... Cranbrook has reached the stage when the city needs a manager. That is to say, the town needs the services of an able man to supervise the work and look after the interests of the taxpayers. The mayor is the man to do this, but a man who has the brains to be mayor of Cranbrook, is engaged in business for himself. He cannot afford to give his time to the city at a personal sacrifice. G. T. Rogers did that, and nobody appreciated the fact until he was out of office, and now everybody is ready to concede that G. T. Rogers was an ideal mayor. He had the intelligence, he had the executive ability, he possessed the natural savvy to meet men of all stations in life in a manner that would be a credit to the city, he was broad-minded enough to realize that of times his way might not be the right way, and he had the common sense to acknowledge at all times that the majority should rule. But such men cannot be expected to accept the office of mayor of Cranbrook and give their services gratis. It is worth several thousand dollars a year to Cranbrook, to have a man like Mr. Rogers as mayor, but men like him cannot accept the office without great personal sacrifice. Then why not do what is right. Why should not the council pass a by-law providing a salary of at least $1,200 or $1,500 a year for the mayor, and then the people will demand a first-class business man and elect him. With a salary like that, a man could afford to give a portion of his time to the city's welfare.

What decorations ... E. H. Small, of the Cosmopolitan hotel, has been making some improvements in his bar room. He has created an Oriental dream in fantastic colors that catches the breath of those who gaze upon it in wonderment and surprise.

Another deposit ... David Griffith, the pioneer miner of South East Kootenay, came over from Wild Horse yesterday to make his usual deposit of gold dust with the banks and visit with old friends.

New chief ... (From our Elko Correspondent) C. A. Dow has been appointed chief of police in Cranbrook. He is one of the best officers in British Columbia and a general favorite with everybody. The writer of this column has known him over ten years and in all that time he has never known a better, more reliable and efficient officer, with a keen sense of the responsibilities of his position. A more rapid worker and a better all around good fellow. He leaves Elko the last of this month to take up his duties in Cranbrook's banana groves. We shall meet, but we shall miss him, etc., etc. He will be successful because he has the ability and energy to win success. We thank God for the sun and the moon, the beautiful orange blossom ozone we breathe, but we don't like Cranbrook for robbing us of our good citizens.

Quick thaw ... The chinook that struck the Pass Tuesday seems to be the forerunner of real spring. The heavy fall of snow that had come during previous days, disappeared in a few hours, so quickly in fact, that people who were out sleigh riding and who started with the sleighing as good as it has been this winter, came home on bare ground. The present indications are that spring will open unusually early.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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