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Hugs & Slugs: It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity

Hugs: Huge hugs to the staff at Tanglefoot Veterinary Clinic in Cranbrook. Over the August long weekend, my seven-year-old dachshund suddenly became very ill. I called the vet emergency line and within a short period of time, she was admitted to the clinic and the team at Tanglefoot did all they could to take the best care of her, as well as support me through this difficult time. I’m overjoyed to say that Frankie is now home, healthy & happy.

Hugs: Huge hugs to the staff at Tanglefoot Veterinary Clinic in Cranbrook. Over the August long weekend, my seven-year-old dachshund suddenly became very ill. I called the vet emergency line and within a short period of time, she was admitted to the clinic and the team at Tanglefoot did all they could to take the best care of her, as well as support me through this difficult time. I’m overjoyed to say that Frankie is now home, healthy & happy. If it weren’t for the amazing staff at Tanglefoot, Frankie may not be with us today. I can’t thank them enough. We are forever grateful. Thank you!

Hugs: For the several wonderful gentlemen in town who carry dog treats and make friends with the dogs in their world, that they do not own.

Hugs: For the easy-going neighbours whose love of life has room for children’s laughter, dogs being dogs, birds singing, (even crows), can see the beauty in a dandelion; young people playing music “too loud” makes them smile. These neighbours spread happiness with their grace and kindness! This will cause an epidemic of peace and respect, thank you!

Hugs: Big hug to Dustin at Dean’s Plumbing

Hugs: To the woman who found my credit card outside Mark Creek Market. You went inside the store and left it with the cashier who knew I had lost it. Your honesty is much appreciated. Actions like yours are why “Kimberley is a great place to be.”

Hugs: To the firefighters in our area and the difficult job you do to keep us all safe. Thank you

Slugs: To lawn companies that take off rain drains and DO NOT put them back on rainy days. Today you broke mine and left it like that. Hoses cut with weed whackers and drains left and broken… not cool! And not professional in any way. Next year a new company will have my business.

Hugs: While travelling down to Cranbrook the nose piece on my prescription sunglasses fell out. My brother-in-law took me to Cranbrook Vision to have them repaired. I was greeted by super friendly staff that repaired them on the spot with no charge. I would like to thank them for their friendly and efficient service. It was greatly appreciated.

Hugs: A big Hug to the “Gally” dump truck & trailer driver who slows down along 3rd Street South. We truly appreciate your professionalism & courtesy! Can’t wait until the Innes Avenue project is complete. Ps: Some of the other drivers could take a lesson from you — it’s not a race!

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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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