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See Jane Goodall in Cranbrook

Tickets now on sale to see world renowned primatologist at the Key City Theatre.

Heart conditions treated fast at wellness centre

Heart Function Clinic at Cranbrook Health Unit targets heart failure patients for rapid care.
Highway crews locked out in job action

Highway crews locked out in job action

Mainroad East Kootenay staff locked out after failing to reach a new service agreement.
SD5 welcomes new superintendent

SD5 welcomes new superintendent

Bendina Miller has been announced as the new superintendent of School District 5, replacing retiring super Bill Gook.

Urban porcupine vs. dog attack rare

A local dog had a rude awakening last week in his fenced back yard when a porcupine wandered in. He lived to tell the tale.

Good luck and good tunes with Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan visited the East Kootenay on August 14 to perform for a sold out, enthusiastic crowd – here's how it happened behind the scenes.

Randall Hopley sent for dangerous offender assessment

Randall Hopley has been sent for a psychiatric assessment to determine if he is a dangerous or long-term offender.

Cranbrook man sentenced for child porn possession

A Cranbrook man was sentenced to eight months in jail on August 18 for possession of child pornography.
Volunteer remembered for dedication

Volunteer remembered for dedication

Callie Petrie remembered as tireless volunteer with Crystal Heart Award. Her husband Bill Petrie reflects on the Cranbrook Gospel Jamboree.
$13-billion refinery proposed for Kitimat

$13-billion refinery proposed for Kitimat

Victoria businessman David Black, owner of Black Press, is heading up a proposal to build a $13-billion oil refinery in Kitimat