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Bomb threat at Cranbrook courthouse

Bomb threat at Cranbrook courthouse

11th Avenue closed in Cranbrook because of bomb threat Thurs. morning, believed to be a hoax
Food bank prepares Christmas hampers

Food bank prepares Christmas hampers

Volunteers at the Cranbrook Food Bank were at work this week putting together Christmas food hampers to spread the Christmas cheer.
Fees persuade most smart meter holdouts

Fees persuade most smart meter holdouts

BC Hydro's imposition of manual meter reading fees has persuaded most holdouts to accept a wireless smart meter

Suspects at large after Cranbrook home invasion

RCMP seek three after incident on the evening of December 18.
Ski hill gears up for holidays

Ski hill gears up for holidays

Staff at the Kimberley Alpine Resort are preparing for the year's busiest period — the holiday week from Christmas to New Year's.
Enbridge pipeline approved, with 209 conditions

Enbridge pipeline approved, with 209 conditions

Federal panel recommends Enbridge's Northern Gateway crude oil pipeline can proceed if 209 conditions are met
Enbridge pipeline will hit wall in B.C., critics say

Enbridge pipeline will hit wall in B.C., critics say

Environmental and aboriginal opponents say Northern Gateway will be tied up in court and will never be built
The Grinch who stole Christmas

The Grinch who stole Christmas

Cranbrook residents are disappointed after Christmas decorations have been stolen from local yards in the past few weeks

Santa announces Cranbrook route

I'm telling you why! Santa Claus is coming to town!

Council makes committee appointments

Council approved appointments to various city committees and other organizations at the Dec. 9 regular meeting.