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Forest fire help tops communities' wish list

Forest fire help tops communities' wish list

B.C. government fund for community forest fire prevention is all spent, and fires still threaten some parts of province
College adds to Board of Governors

College adds to Board of Governors

Five new faces join the board, replacing four who have retired.
Union members campaign to address income inequality

Union members campaign to address income inequality

'Fair is fair' is the slogan for a grassroots campaign that passed through Cranbrook on Tuesday
School board calls for arbitration panel

School board calls for arbitration panel

On Tuesday, the Board of Education approved sending a letter to Fassbender and the BCTF urging an arbitration panel.

Chance to get rid of household hazardous waste next week

The first ever hazardous waste roundup will be happening in Cranbrook on September 21.
Truck burns down on residential street

Truck burns down on residential street

A semi truck burned to the axles last night on 4th Avenue South.

Society formed to bring back Cranbrook Airshow

A new not-for-profit society has been set up to help bring an airshow back to the Canadian Rockies International Airport on a regular basis.

Interior Health CEO tours hospital

Dr. Robert Halpenny talks ICU construction, physician recruitment and retention
Digging deeper into the music

Digging deeper into the music

The Symphony of the Kootenays gearing up for second season after dramatic return from hiatus
Premier urged to accept aboriginal title B.C.-wide

Premier urged to accept aboriginal title B.C.-wide

Aboriginal leaders call for an end to costly legal tactics and a return to title negotiations derailed in 2009