The B.C. Wildfire Service reports that a small wildfire estimated at seven hectares was discovered late Friday out near the Aqam community.
Cranbrook Fire and Emergency Services assisted B.C. Wildfire Service crews and Aqam residents in knocking down the fire before it got to homes in the area.
A tweet from Cranbrook Fire and Emergency Services notes that conditions are dry and warns area residents to be fire smart as the season changes over and temperatures warm up.
Mopping up a brush fire North of the St Mary's River this morning. A Shift was called out late yesterday afternoon, and worked hard to knock it down before it reached the homes in the area. Thanks BCWS and Aqam for the support. Stay #firesmart, it's dry out there.#Cranbrook
— cranbrookfire (@cranbrookfire) March 30, 2019
According to recent data from the Southeast Fire Centre, the Cranbrook and Koocanusa fire zones are marked at a low fire danger rating.
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