Sample the best locally produced arts and crafts at the Christmas Artisan Bazaar on Saturday, November 2.
2013 is the 29th year that the Canadian Federation of University Women's Cranbrook Club has held the fundraiser.
All of the items for sale will be sold by the artists themselves, explained Cathryn Henley, bazaar chair.
"These artists have been working diligently throughout the summer, even though many of them have been at the farmers' market. While they are not there, they are working towards this bazaar because our loyal ones are making things especially for this bazaar. It's their last hurrah before the Christmas season."
Artisans will sell products that include soap and bath bombs, porcelain ornaments, honey, paintings, jewellery and baked goods.
"There are little tables set up if people want to stop for a tea or coffee. A lot of shoppers do around the lunch hour," said Henley.
For the first time this year, the CFUW will be selling Cafe Feminino, a Fair Trade, organic, bird friendly coffee, owned by women.
"For only $1 per cup, you will have coffee that was shipped from South American farms a few weeks ago, roasted at the Shuswap Coffee Company earlier in the week, and served to you on Saturday. You can't get fresher than that and, at the same time, (you will) be helping third world country women farmers make their way for their families," said Henley.
It's only a toonie to get into the bazaar, and every person through the door will be entered into the door prize bowl.
"There are as many door prizes as there are artisans," said Henley. "The artists are very generous with their products. It has been a really wonderful thing."
The bazaar showcases the talent that resides in the East Kootenay, she went on.
"You really appreciate how many artists there are in the area – not just women, there are men too!" she laughed. "It's amazing the talent in this area and the high calibre of the goods they are selling."
The bazaar raises funds for the University Women's programs and projects in the East Kootenay, including scholarships and bursaries at Mount Baker Secondary School and College of the Rockies. For more information, visit
The 29th annual Christmas Artisan Bazaar will be held at the Cranbrook Golf Course clubhouse on Saturday, November 2 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.