A blend of composition and collaboration led to a rather unique musical event at Gordon Terrace School just prior to the end of the school year.
The seed was planted when Sammy Boutin, a Grade 5 student in Mr. Thorn's class, showed her Music teacher Mr. Dureski a short tune that she had composed on the piano. Mr. Dureski mentioned that her tune would make a good piece for the school band, and the expression on Sammy's face at that prospect meant that Mr. Dureski had some of his own writing to do.
The piece was extended from solo piano to include parts for all the instruments in the band. Drum, guitar, and xylophone parts were added for Sammy's General Music class, and rehearsals began. Mr. Dureski kept Sammy informed of developments along the way.
All came together on June 18 when "Sammy's Tune" was featured as the finale to the school Music assembly, where three classes worked together to pull off this climax.
This is not the end for Sammy' Tune. She is moving to a different town, and she will get to take beginning Band in her new school. Mr. Dureski told Sammy to have her new Band teacher get in contact with him. The score and parts will be sent out to Sammy's new school, where hopefully she can perform in her own piece as a member of the band next year."