The robots dogs are taking over, or at least helping conduct safety inspections at Elk Valley coal mines.
As part of International Dog Day (August 26) Teck is celebrating with Spot, Boston Dynamics’ well-known AI robotic creation, which coincidentally is about 70lbs and the side of a Labrador retriever.
The robotic dog was on site at Teck as part of a trial.
“Spot is a four-legged sensor device that navigates terrain with unprecedented mobility - getting into places that are frequently unsafe or challenging for people, allowing the mine to automate routine inspection tasks and data capture safely, accurately, and frequently,” reads a release from Teck about Spot’s activities at the mines.
“Spot uses artificial intelligence to balance and “walk” and can be equipped with a wide array of tools and sensors including a robotic arm capable of griping and opening a round door handle, a 360-degree high-resolution camera, an infrared camera, a gas sensor for leak detection, LIDAR scanners, and more.”
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