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Investigation into a knife blade in a box of candy reveals no malicious intent

Cranbrook RCMP determined the blade embedded in the candy box originated at the manufacturer’s
An investigation by Cranbrook RCMP into a knife blade located in a box of candy reveals no malicious intent.

A piece of box cutter blade found embedded in a box of Halloween candy appears to have orginated at the manufacturer’s — likely the result of a packaging error.

Cranbrook RCMP looked into a report of the blade found in the candy box, and determined there was no malicious intent.

On October 31, Halloween night, the Cranbrook RCMP tweeted, “an area resident discovered a blade in a box of Halloween chocolate.” RCMP had been notified by a resident that they had opened a box of candy and located a blade which appeared to be from a box cutter.

According to a press release on Wednesday, Nov. 2, RCMP sent the tweet in an abundance of caution, and as a reminder to check their children’s candy.

“Over the past few days Cranbrook RCMP attended the store where the candy was bought,” said Cst Katie Forgeron of the Cranbrook RCMP detachment. “An extensive investigation was conducted and it appears the blade was inserted into the box during the manufacturing/distribution process.

“The store in Cranbrook where the candy was bought does not use the type of blades located in the box,” Forgeron added.

Cranbrook RCMP also want to advise residents that the blade was not located in a specific piece of candy, but embedded in the box.

Barry Coulter

About the Author: Barry Coulter

Barry Coulter had been Editor of the Cranbrook Townsman since 1998.
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