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Blissett seeking second term on Cranbrook Council

Cranbrook city councillor, Norma Blissett, will seek re-election in the municipal election scheduled for this October.

Cranbrook city councillor, Norma Blissett, will seek re-election in the municipal election scheduled for this October.

Blissett, a long time Cranbrook resident, high school teacher and former forester, was elected to city council in 2014. She has held positions on the Personnel Committee (Committee of the Whole), Cranbrook Public Library Board and the Cranbrook History Centre Board. As a city councillor, she represented the city at a variety of community events and made an effort to meet a wide variety of Cranbrook citizens.

“I have tried to represent the interests of the broader community at the council table” said Blissett.

“As a Council, we have made significant improvements to the city’s infrastructure, our downtown is definitely more vibrant and I believe the business community, as well as the social service sector, generally feel supported.”

“Our city is growing. Council has been able to fund significant community improvements while keeping tax increases relatively low. I am pleased with what has been accomplished and would like to take advantage of what I have learned over the past four years to continue to work on behalf of the citizens of Cranbrook for another four-year term.”

“If re-elected, my priorities will be to continue replacing our aging infrastructure, improving our downtown, supporting housing and business development, and supporting initiatives to improve the quality of life for all Cranbrook residents.”

Blissett, is a mother of three adult children, has a bachelor of science in forestry, a bachelor of education, and a master of arts in leadership and administration. She currently teaches part time at Mount Baker Secondary School.