Timber Hitch Coffee Shop & Drive Thru is holding a special raffle basket fundraiser this holiday season with the goal of keeping East Kootenay families together when they need each other the most.
The raffle has been organized by Brenda and Todd Bannister to raise funds for the East Kootenay Foundation for Health’s Neonatal intensive care unit campaign for the East Kootenay Regional Hospital. This cause holds a very special place in the hearts of the Bannisters who’ve twice experienced the desperate need for a regional Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
“When our son Brad was born he needed to be airlifted out to the Calgary Foothills Hospital and spent nine days in their neonatal unit. While we were lucky enough to have family to stay with in Calgary, it was still a very stressful time for us as parents,” Brenda says. “We had to be away from our daughter in order to support our son, far from the rest of our family and friends.
“Then in 2021, our grandson was also medivacced out to the Vancouver Children’s Hospital and spent 10 days in their neonatal ward. This was extremely hard on mom, dad and the rest of our family because we weren’t able to be there and support them when they needed us.”
The Bannisters’ experiences are not uncommon but they hope to help change that for other local families.
“This neonatal unit is desperately needed at our Regional Hospital, so families no longer need to travel to other communities during such immensely stressful times. We hope by raising money it will help transform the lives of our most vulnerable community members and give them and their families a brighter future,” says Brenna Baker from the East Kootenay Foundation for Health.
With the support of many businesses in and around Kimberley, Brenda and Todd have put together a beautiful raffle basket that’s valued at more than $1,000 – see it at Timber Hitch Coffee, where a minimum $5 cash donation equals one entry for the basket. The winner will be drawn Dec. 22.
“This cause is not only important to us but to our entire community and we’d like to thank all the businesses that came together to help us create this amazing raffle basket,” Brenda says.
Visit Timber Hitch Coffee at 724 304 St, Kimberley to make your donation and follow them on Facebook for updates on the fundraiser.
Article sponsored by Gray’s Compounding Pharmacy, visit them in-store at 417B 304th St. on Highway 95 in Kimberley, open Monday to Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.