Slugs: A huge ugly Slug to the person or persons who thought it was a good idea to let off their fireworks in the school yard at Parkland School at 11 pm. on July 1st. What makes you think other people enjoy this type of disruption in the middle of the night. And it’s not only people, pets are scared out of their skin!
Hugs: Last Tuesday, July 2, I was assisted by a very kind gentleman, when I was on my way from the hospital. I made it to 2nd Street South, when I was informed by ambulance driver that my tire was on the rim. This gentleman stopped to help, we tried BCAA, but too long a wait. He went home to get his compressor, put enough air in the tire for me to get to the garage. A lifesaver. I am so grateful for his kindness and concern. Awesome.
Slugs: Huge slugs to a Kimberley gas station charging 20 cents more a litre than other stations.
Hugs: Lots of hugs to the City for continuing to present the citizenship awards on Canada Day. These are true ambassadors for their schools and for the community. I hope they all grow up to continue to volunteer their time!
Slugs: To the city for poor maintenance of our roads, so full of potholes.
Hugs: To the city for allowing some streets to retain their beneficial potholes. The city re-paved a stretch of 4th St. South years ago, and since then, the street has become an increasingly popular spot for people to roar by at dangerous speeds with sports cars, motorcycles, and unmuffled vehicles of all kinds. Between 7th Ave. (T-bone corner) and 11th Ave., there are no stop or yield signs, and some are using it as a drag strip. Woe betide the children, deer, and dog walkers who might step into the street. Please bring back our lovely potholes or at the very least, add some speed bumps or yield signs.
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