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Chamber Ensemble at the Royal Alexandra

Symphony of the Kootenays Chamber ensemble is pictured performing at Royal Alexandra Hall in Cranbrook on Saturday, Jan.25.
Symphony of the Kootenays Chamber ensemble is pictured performing at Royal Alexandra Hall in Cranbrook on Saturday, Jan.25. (Ian Adams photo)

Symphony of the Kootenays Chamber ensemble [technically a nonet or, ensemble of nine] is pictured performing at Royal Alexandra Hall in Cranbrook on Saturday, January 25.

The concert was a range of music from Mozart to music inspired by Costa Rican rainforests composed by the Symphony's principal oboist, Aura Pon. A full house greatly enjoyed the variety of sounds and styles.

Next up for the Symphony of the Kootenays: The Fretless backed by the Symphony on Mar 1 at KCT. A Juno-award winning quartet that offers folk music, fiddle tunes and more in lively renditions. 

(Ian Adams photo)