Four important local charities in the East Kootenay region are benefitting from funding from the Community Foundation of the Kootenay Rockies (CFKR).
The CFKR last week announced the $265,000 in funding, through the Government of British Columbia’s Community Prosperity Fund, to support three Cranbrook-based organizations and one in the Elk Valley.
The Community Prosperity Fund is a $25 million investment from the Government of B.C. that aims to reduce poverty and promote social inclusion.
Through CFKR, the Community Prosperity Fund is investing in the following organizations and projects:
• Elk Valley Family Society: $40,000 to fund organizational capacity-building and digital transformation to support a rapidly growing portfolio of affordable/social housing in Fernie, Sparwood, and RDEK Areas A and B;
• Kootenay Employment Services Society: $56,000 to support staff time focussing on the recruitment and retention of immigrants as a key priority in addressing the labour market and community needs;
• Community Connections Society of Southeast BC: $69,000 to enhance food security by supporting staffing within the Cranbrook Food Recovery project;
• ANKORS: $100,000 to hire staff with lived experience who will support the most vulnerable citizens in Cranbrook regarding issues such as homelessness, addictions, and mental health.
The fund was announced on the inaugural B.C. Nonprofit Recognition Day. This fund is part of the Government of B.C.’s commitment to supporting the non-profit sector and empowering local communities to make decisions about community needs and priorities.
Through the Community Prosperity Fund, funded recipients have an opportunity to implement the funding over up to three years and support operational expenses or project delivery. The Community Prosperity Fund supports vital non-profits that serve communities in B.C. Recipients funded are important partners, often providing services to the most vulnerable in all corners of British Columbia.
To learn more about the Community Prosperity Fund, visit the Vancouver Foundation website. For more information about the Community Foundation of the Kootenay Rockies, visit