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Downchild Blues Band at the Key City Theatre

The Legendary Downchild Blues Band took to the stage at the Key City Theatre on Tuesday, Oct. 25. Led by Blues legend Donnie Walsh the band has been rocking Canada and the world for over 50 years. Miss Emily (at right) opened the show for Downchild. Barry Coulter photos
The Legendary Downchild Blues Band at the Key City Theatre in Cranbrook, Tuesday, Oct. 25. (Barry Coulter photo)

The Legendary Downchild Blues Band took to the stage at the Key City Theatre on Tuesday, Oct. 25. Led by Blues legend Donnie Walsh the band has been rocking Canada and the world for over 50 years. Miss Emily (at right) opened the show for Downchild. Barry Coulter photos

The Legendary Downchild Blues Band at the Key City Theatre in Cranbrook, Tuesday, Oct. 25. (Barry Coulter photo)
The Legendary Downchild Blues Band at the Key City Theatre in Cranbrook, Tuesday, Oct. 25. (Barry Coulter photo)
The Legendary Downchild Blues Band at the Key City Theatre in Cranbrook, Tuesday, Oct. 25. (Barry Coulter photo)
Miss Emily at the Key City Theatre in Cranbrook, Tuesday, Oct. 25. (Barry Coulter photo)
Miss Emily at the Key City Theatre in Cranbrook, Tuesday, Oct. 25. (Barry Coulter photo)

Barry Coulter

About the Author: Barry Coulter

Barry Coulter had been Editor of the Cranbrook Townsman since 1998.
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