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Wildlife notes from WildSafe BC

The animals among us — Exercise caution: Cougar, bear encounters reported in Cranbrook.

Recent Wildlife Sightings:  A black bear was observed in a tree off the trails near TM Roberts Elementary School.  A cougar-dog encounter was observed near dusk in the Southview neighbourhood — neither animal was hurt during the encounter.

Should you encounter a bear on the trails in your neighbourhood, stop, speak to the bear calmly and firmly, raise your arms and leave the area slowly.  Be sure to face the bear and stay aware to its behaviour until you are at a safe and comfortable distance. Above all, never approach a wild animal.  For more on what to do in the event of an encounter with wildlife or how to protect yourself if the animal attacks, visit or contact your Community Coordinator directly.

Cougars are typically most active during the dusk, night and dawn hours.  To ensure your pets stay safe from predators, ensure they are kept indoors or within your sight from dinner to breakfast time.   Be particularly cautious of cougars if you live in an area with adjacent forest and a substantial deer population.

Remember, if you see any wildlife activity of concern, please call the 24-Hour reporting line for the Conservation Officer Service: 1 -877-952-7277.

Courtesy Sonja Seher