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Urban wildlife Part III: The East Kootenay birds of summer

The work of local photographers printed in the pages of the East Kootenay Advertiser over the summer of 2020. Part III.

All throughout 2020, our local photographers have been capturing the best of our feathered friends and furred friends and neighbours. Check out their work that has appeared in the Pages of the East Kootenay Advertiser over the past months. This is Part III.

This quartet of young mountain bluebirds chicks almost look ready to fledge. Stewart Wilson photo

A young Coot shows itself at the edge of some reeds. Bob Whetham photo

This “bearded” garter snake was discovered below the weir at the outflow of Elizabeth Lake. Stewart Wilson photo

American Coots and Western Painted Turtles, South Pond, Irrigation Fields. Helga Knote photo

A sora - more often heard than seen. Stewart Wilson photo

A usually very secretive Virginia Rail with her chicks. Bob Whetham photo

A flock of Canada Geese spotting their landing at Idlewild Park. Kathleen Opal photo

A Lazuli Bunting at the feeder. Roger Granville-Martin photo

Brian and Larry Dureski came across this 50 cm Rubber Boa on an outing near Cranbrook. Sightings of these docile nocturnal hunters are rare in this area. Larry Dureski photo

Red Head duck just popping out of the water. Kathleen Opal photo

A male Cassin’s Finch, getting set for a bird bath. Helga Knote photo

An Osprey and an Eagle battled for several minutes over Lund Lake on Ha Ha Creek Road. The Osprey had a good-sized fish in its talons and the Bald Eagle wanted that fish! After a long chase over the lake and behind the nearby trees, the eagle emerged victorious, flying off with the stolen fish while the Osprey showed up a few minutes later, sans fish. Helga Knote photo

Week-old mountain bluebird chicks in their nest of grasses. They will typically spend 17 - 22 days in the nest after hatching. Stewart Wilson photo

A male loon finishes off preening itself at Hahas (Stoney) Lake. Stewart Wilson photo

A Lewis Woodpecker contemplating his next move. Miriam Saville photo

A duck family at Elizabeth Lake. Christina Blaskovich photo

Beautiful Osprey celebrating a successful hunt in Cranbrook. Miriam Saville photo

A nest-robbing crow flees with an egg, being chased by a redwing blackbird. Christina Blaskovich photo

A chipmunk. Marian Saville photo

Tiny Western Toad hopping along the side of the road. Miriam Saville photo

A red-headed duck. Stewart Wilson photo

Eared Grebe. Bob Whetham photo

Western Kingbird (Tyrannus verticalis). Helga Knote photo

Calliope Hummingbird. Stewart Wilson photo

Ring-Necked Dove. Kareen Peters photo

Yellow-Headed Blackbird. Miriam Saville photo

Song Sparrow. Helga Knote photo

Common Yellowthroat. Bob Whetham photo

Cassins Finch. Kathleen Opal photo

Savannah Sparrow. Miriam Saville photo

Gree-winged Teal. Bob Whetham photo

Western Spotted Bluebird. Stewart Wilson photo

Barry Coulter

About the Author: Barry Coulter

Barry Coulter had been Editor of the Cranbrook Townsman since 1998.
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