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SPCA seeks help for frightened cat with dental problems

The BC SPCA’s East Kootenay Branch is seeking the public’s help with medical costs for a cat who was found trembling with fear inside a crate at the front gate of the branch.

The BC SPCA’s East Kootenay Branch is seeking the public’s help with medical costs for a cat who was found trembling with fear inside a crate at the front gate of the branch.

Staff noticed the cat, who is now called Dennis, had a scarred and disfigured left ear, likely from a past infection or frostbite. His long coat is matted, making it uncomfortable for Dennis to move and walk around.

Dennis is in need of extensive dental surgery and will require a specialized diet that will allow him to eat comfortably.

“His dental disease is so bad that he is missing teeth and each bite of food causes him terrible pain,” said SPCA East Kootenay branch manager Christy King.

It’s not known whether Dennis was left inside that crate by his owners or if he was found by a Good Samaritan but no cat deserves to be left alone outside all night.

“We brought Dennis inside and he immediately showed us his true personality. He is endlessly affectionate, loves to snuggle, and is so gentle,” King said.

Dennis deserves to find a loving home where he will never be alone, frightened and in pain again. His medical bills and associated care will cost about $1,772.

He will spend at least two months recovering in SPCA care before being ready to go up for adoption.

If you can help Dennis and other animals in need at the East Kootenay SPCA, please visit or visit the branch at 3339 Hwy 3 & 95, Cranbrook, 250.426.6751.

Barry Coulter

About the Author: Barry Coulter

Barry Coulter had been Editor of the Cranbrook Townsman since 1998.
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