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New manager takes helm at market

Jessica Kazemi is taking over from Livia Lara as the Manager of the Cranbrook Farmers Market
Jessica Kazemi is taking the helm at the Cranbrook Farmers Market

A new manager will be taking the helm of the Cranbrook Farmers Market.

And the market itself is set to return to its outdoor venue on May 30, to launch its 12th season in Cranbrook.

Livia Lara, who has been the Cranbrook Farmer’s Market manager for the past four years, is leaving the position, which will be taken over by Jessica Kazemi.

“It’s been a fantastic and enriching experience,” Lara wrote in a press release this week. “ I’ll be forever grateful for all the support and friendship over the past four years. But now it’s time for a change.”

Kazemi is described as passionate about the connection between food and community.

“Jessica brings experience in many facets of food security, ranging from operating a local organic food delivery business to running a weekly community supper program. She is a lifelong supporter of farmers markets, and as a maker and small business owner she is appreciative of the hardworking farmers, small businesses and makers in our community.

“Keeping in the spirit of the last eleven years of the Cranbrook Farmers Market, she is excited to continue to add new and diverse vendors, as well as showcase our amazing Kootenay culture and community.”

Lara and Kazemi, along with other Farmers Market organizers, will be working together throughout the month of May, planning modified markets in light of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Two spring outdoor markets are planned, for May 30 and June 13. The summer market season will kick on June 27.

Barry Coulter

About the Author: Barry Coulter

Barry Coulter had been Editor of the Cranbrook Townsman since 1998.
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