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Morris honoured for 75-year Legion membership

George Morris was presented this week with a medal for being a member of the Legion for 75 years.

On Tuesday March 9, 2021, Branch 24-Cranbrook Legion Honours and Awards Comrade Robbie Klassen and Service Officer Clive Brown attended the dinner hour at Kootenay Street Village in Cranbrook, where they had the honour and privilege to present George Morris with his medal for being a member of the Legion for 75 years. George will turn 100 years old this year. Due to Covid-19 this special occasion could not be conducted at the Legion where other Legion members could have been present. With the support of the staff at Kootenay Street Care Home we were able to recognize George in front of a full dining room of residents of the home. Congratulations George. Thank you for your service.

Barry Coulter

About the Author: Barry Coulter

Barry Coulter had been Editor of the Cranbrook Townsman since 1998.
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