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Health Foundation’s Starlite campaign underway

EKFH raising $1.2 million to bring a SPECT CT to the East Kootenay Region.

Starlite is underway. Let your affairs henceforward proceed by starlight.

The East Kootenay Foundation for Health’s annual Starlite fundraiser kicked off last week, with a special event to give it some topspin.

The 12th annual campaign was launched with a Spin-A-Thon at Kootenay Life Cycle. Ninety-six participants and eight instructors rode for a cause and collectively raised $28,500.

All of the proceeds will go towards the 2019 Starlite Campaign for the East Kootenay Foundation for Health.

“It was an incredible day of community,” exclaimed Brenna Baker, Executive Director, for the EKFH. “Everyone came together to raise an amazing amount of funds that will go towards the SPECT CT at the East Kootenay Regional Hospital. This day was made possible because of the awesome team at Kootenay Life Cycle, Hot Shots Cafe, Stoke Juice, Sidekick Stickers, and the Fire Hall Kitchen & Tap. We really do live in the best community!”

The goal of Starlite is to light up all of the stars on top of the East Kootenay Regional Hospital. For every $2,500 a small star will be lit and for every $5,000 a large star will be lit. Proceeds go towards advanced medical equipment for the East Kootenay Regional Hospital.

This year’s Starlite Campaign will be raising funds for the SPECT CT. The EKFH is raising $1.2 million to bring this advanced diagnostic equipment to the East Kootenay Region.

Dr. Curtis Mohamed, MD Nuclear Medicine, explained the SPECT CT.

“SPECT CT combines the three-dimensional functional imaging of nuclear medicine with the anatomical accuracy of CT,” he said. “The merging of these modalities creates an advanced imaging technology that improves patient care by enhancing diagnostic accuracy.”

Many medical conditions can be assessed by SPECT CT including but not limited to: staging and monitoring treatment in multiple forms of cancer; determining the extent of infection and monitoring therapy, and site-specific processes such as lung clots, kidney function, heart disease and bone fractures.

The SPECT CT will provide faster, more definitive diagnosis of medical conditions. For patients, it will reduce the anxiety of waiting for a full diagnosis and the commencement of treatment, reducing time, money, travel expenses and stress.

The East Kootenay Regional Hospital is the only regional hospital in BC who doesn’t have a SPECT CT.

To help with the campaign, please make a holiday gift to the EKFH, purchase a star and light the way to help the East Kootenay region become a leader in health care.

To donate please visit or call 250-489-6481.

Pictured below: Dr. Curtis Mohamed, MD Nuclear Medicine, and Sjaane Beattie, RTNM Nuclear Medicine – Honorary Chairs of the SPECT CT Campaign)


Barry Coulter

About the Author: Barry Coulter

Barry Coulter had been Editor of the Cranbrook Townsman since 1998.
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