Cranbrook Farmers Market will be keeping their current operating hours, 10 a.m. to 1p.m., for the rest of the season to allow market vendors more time for prep and travel.
In previous years, the summer markets (beginning June 26th) switch from starting at 10a.m. to one hour earlier, at 9a.m. The market would usually operate from 9a.m. to 1p.m. from the end of July until September.
Jessica Kazemi, Market Manager for the Cranbrook Farmers Market, says that they have decided to keep the spring operating hours, meaning the market will continue to run from 10a.m. until 1p.m. for the rest of the outdoor market season.
“The decision was based on giving our Creston farmers more time to get to Cranbrook in the morning,” said Kazemi, adding that travel time combined with the time change makes it difficult. “With the time change most of them leave home at 4 a.m. and they are often up even earlier prepping for the market.”
Peak season, there are at least ten vendors travelling from Creston. Kazemi says this switch will allow local vendors more time to prepare as well.
“Our local producers make their items fresh for the market so that extra hour can mean a few more trays of croissants, scones, muffins and bread. More food for everyone,” said Kazemi.
Whether farmers are from Creston, Cranbrook, or elsewhere, many of them will harvest their food in the morning before the market so that it is as fresh as possible. The extra hour means these vendors can bring in the freshest ingredients.
Kazemi adds that COVID-19 regulations are still in place, but as the province moves forward with B.C.’s restart plan, live music, busking and even more vendors will return to the market in the coming weeks.
The Cranbrook Farmers Market is open every Saturday until October 30th, 2021 on 10th Ave S beside Rotary Park.
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