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Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class Jack Davis of Wasa, B.C. receives his Quilt of Valour

Jack is pictured with his wife of 36 years, Wendy. Photo submitted

On May 18, surrounded by friends and family, Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class Jack Davis of Wasa, B.C. received his Quilt of Valour from local representative Cindy Postnikoff.

Jack served with the Royal Canadian Navy for 26 years. Three of those years he worked as a flight Steward and enjoyed the experience of looking after the Queen Mother on one of those flights. He also flew other dignitaries such as Gov. Gen. Madame Souve and Brian Mulroney to name a few. During this time he flew around the world 3 times!

Jack also served on several ships including the HMCS Kootenay, Protecor, Algonquin, Terra Nova, Gatineau and Restistqouche. During this time, he experienced a lot of places and situations. Jack took his work very seriously and looks back on his career with pride. We “thank you for your Honourable and Faithful Service Jack.”

The beautiful quilt was made by Julie Laird.

READ: Quilt of Valour presented to Cpt. Chuck Buhr Ret’d of Wycliffe

Carolyn Grant

About the Author: Carolyn Grant

I have been with the Kimberley Bulletin since 2001 and have enjoyed every moment of it.
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