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More happenings, and great gift ideas, from 1907

It happened this week in Cranbrook: December 11-17, 1907
Great deals on guns!

Dave Humphrey

Items compiled from the archived newspapers held at the Cranbrook History Centre Archives


Owned land now Cranbrook ... James W. Galbraith, of Moab Wash., died at his home in Moab after a long illness. Mr. Galbraith was a pioneer of Kootenay, having come to this district in the early sixties, and was a brother of the late John Galbraith, and R.L.T. Galbraith, Indian Agent at Fort Steele. For many years Mr. Galbraith was interested in business with his brother John Galbraith at Fort Steele, he was also interested in the St. Joseph ranch, which was purchased by Colonel James Baker, and now called the City of Cranbrook. During his last illness his nieces Miss Edith Galbraith, and Mrs. Ida Stanhope cared for him and were with him at the time of his death. He has a son and daughter living at Walla Walla, and has two sisters, Mrs. Chas. Clark, and Mrs. James Clark living at Fort Steele. The funeral was held on December 1st, from Turnbull's undertaking rooms, Dean Lockwook of All Saints cathedral officiating. He was buried in Greenwood cemetery. Mr. Galbraith will be kindly remembered by many of the old timers in this district who still have a very tender and pleasant recollection of him he was a man respected by all who were acquainted with him.

Great gift ideas at Cranbrook Co-operative Stores

To the Police Commissioners of Cranbrook ... Gentlemen:— We, the ministers of the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Presbyterian, Methodist, and Baptist Churches, respectfully petition that all forms of gambling, particularly the slot machines, be immediately closed down and entirely abolished from the city. We urge this immediate step as the present condition of affairs in this regard is not only a flagrant violation of the Laws of this Dominion of Canada, but a serious detriment to the business and general prosperity of Cranbrook, and a grave menace to the moral welfare of the community. We would quietly insist therefore, that the law be enforced by the proper authorities. Considering this petition to be for the good of the community at large I willingly add my name to it. SIGNED:— L. Choinel, E. P. Flewelling, Charles O. Main, W. G. Taylor, Robert Hughes.

Good fun ... Tobogganing is monopolizing the attention of a large number of our citizens these pleasant evenings.

Change needed ... No citizen can feel any degree of satisfaction when he contemplates the manner in which the affairs of the city have been handled during the past year, and it is absolutely necessary that something should be done to improve matters. What is the remedy? It must lie with the electors in the selection of the governing body of the city.

The Snowball Washer — You owe it to your wives

Immigrants needed ...The shipment of fruit to England is proving to be an excellent advertisement of the resources of this province. In the Cranbrook district we have large areas of choice land suitable for fruit raising, which when properly advertised, will induce the emigration to this district of a very desirable class of people.

Miracle cure for the Piles ... That there is no end to the healing powers of Zam-Buk is being demonstrated every day. Mr. Julius Glacier, of Denbigh, Ont., was tortured day and night with blind, bleeding piles, so bad that he says: "I could find no comfort standing, sitting or lying down, and was unable to do any work. One day my eyes rested upon a little sample box of Zam-Buk. I picked it up and read the words, CURES PILES. I started using Zam-Buk that night, and before I could purchase a large box I was already cured, and HAVE NOT BEEN TROUBLED SINCE. You may publish this if you wish for the benefit of other sufferers." This is only one of the many cases where Zam-Buk has healed piles when all else failed. Why do you go on suffering when such a splendid remedy is near at hand? Zam-Buk heals sores, cures exzema, skin eruptions, ulcers, ringworm, itch, barber's rash, blood poison, bad leg, salt rheum, abrasions, abscesses, cuts, burns, scalds and all skin injuries and diseases. At all stores and druggists at 50 cents or from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. 3 boxes for $1.25.

Cow hit by train ... The westbound Flyer last Wednesday killed a valuable cow belonging to "Sandy" McFarlane. The cow was on the track near the station when the train struck her, throwing her up on the platform and killing her instantly.

Pay cut ... About 40 of the 60 men employed by the Porto Rico Lumber company taking out logs on the Lamb creek limits, quit work Monday, when a cut was made in their pay from $3.00 to $2.50 per day. The men came to town and "blew" themselves, after which most of them scattered to the four winds.

Shave and a haircut — two bits!

Fernie ... The City Council, engineer and City Clerk inspected the sewerage system yesterday and found it great. They saw the flush tank flush and, took a peek into the sewer to see her sew. They never saw her working finer. Mr. McDonald and the City Engineer received many flattering compliments on the way they have realized their pipe dream.

Sad accident ... L. O. Taylor, a workman employed at Riley's camp No. 2, in the G. N. extension, was suffocated by a small slide of mud on Monday night about 11 p. m. The steam shovel had gouged out everything in the cut within its reach and four men were in front of it preparing the ground for laying track on which to move up the big machine. Without a moment's warning the mud wall collapsed, burying Taylor completely, and pinning down another man by the legs. The latter was immediately shovelled out. It was not until this was done that Taylor was missed and then all haste was made to reach him, but before he could be freed life was extinct. He had died of suffocation. There were no marks whatever on the body.

Open invitation ... The Methodist parsonage will be opened from 7 till 11 o'clock on the evening of Christmas Day for all who belong to the Lonely Brigade, particularly the boys away from home, bachelors, lumbermen and men in from the camps in search of a little Christmas cheer. Mr. and a Mrs. Hughes give a hearty invitation to all who care to come and eat a mince pie, and enjoy a social hour or two. Don't stay away because you have no cards of introduction, all are welcome, whether in a dress suit or overalls. All those who have no reasonable prospects for a Christmas dinner, and are not under the care of any of the churches or friendly societies in the town, are requested to communicate with the pastor of the Methodist church by the 20th inst.

The Kootenay Central ... The location line of the Kootenay Central railway as far as Canal Flat is now definitely located. Work on the survey of the balance of the route will be continued all winter. The junction point with the Crows Nest Pass railway is not definitely located, but it will be at that point which will tap the best and most country. Mr. Pollen, president of the Kootenay Central Railway, when asked by a Herald representative what his opinion was as to the construction of the road, said: " It is my opinion that construction will be kept up on the north end of the road and also on the south end as soon as the survey is completed. The Kootenay Central is an assured fact and it will open up one of the best districts in Canada."

At the gym ... The Men's Own meeting again discussed the municipal question last Sunday afternoon. The spirit of the debate was broad and reasonable, and the general conclusions were, the best way to improve the conditions of our municipal life was, for all who felt the need of this, to work in union and harmony. It was further felt that the town did not need any church ticket any more than it needed an hotel ticket, and that no faction should dictate to the people who should fill the civic offices or the policy which they should pursue. Any strong and clean government would receive general support. The question of violation of law was discussed, and it was intimated that the matter would be referred to the proper authorities. Mr. W. Morton sang a solo. The lesson was read by Mr. Whitepill Chapman, and Mr. Ashworth ably presided at the organ.

Skating ... McDearmid & Moore have arranged to open the skating rink this winter and as soon as the ice is right they will be ready for business. These gentlemen propose to make the rink an attractive place this season for ladies, gentlemen and children, and will do all in their power to please their patrons. Further notice will be given as soon as the season opens.