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Kerrigan's Stout, the 'Stay Satisfactory' range, and other Christmas suggestions from 1907

It happened this week in Cranbrook: Dec. 4-10, 1907

Dave Humphrey

Items compiled from the archived newspapers held at the Cranbrook History Centre Archives


An old-timer gone … “Old Fritz ,” Edgar Davis’ dog, one of the oldest timers in the town, was put out of his misery on Thursday night last. Fritz had been suffering for some months past and it was decided that the kindest thing to do was to kill him. Frank Murphy, of Beattie & Atchison’s store, proceeded to administer three grains of morphine, but strange to say this did not flag Fritz. Then Frank took three of the largest capsules there were in the store and filled them with prussic acid. This did not do the trick at once and it was necessary to chloroform the dog to prevent his suffering. Finally between the prussic acid and the chloroform, “Old Fritz ” passed in his checks. Bar “Brownie,” the Herald dog, Fritz was probably the oldest dog in Cranbrook.

New garage … Cranbrook is to have an automobile livery as soon as spring opens. P. L. Harris, late of New York, has secured the premises lately occupied by T. Lebel as a hay warehouse on Armstrong avenue, and will remodel it so as to make it a modern garage. Mr. Harris contemplates putting on a 16 passenger car to run between here and Windermere, and will also have runabouts and touring cars for hire. He will also carry a full stock of repairs for motor cars and will do all work in connection with the same. The name of the institution will be The Cranbrook Automobile Garage. Mr. Harris has had ten years’ experience as manager of the New York Automobile Garage. The Cranbrook garage will act as agents for the White Steamer, Rio, Peerless and other well-known automobiles


“Stay Satisfactory” Kootenay range — a gift for the ladies in your life!

Home for Christmas … At the Cosmopolitan hotel, the mecca of the Prince Edward Islanders in Cranbrook, is posted up a clipping from a Montreal paper telling of the new ice breaking steamer which is now running between the mainland and “the island,” and, in the fine Italian hand of E. H. Small the following is appended: “Boys, we can go home this winter.”

Head on down to Dan Yuen Tong & Co!

Moyie Christmas … A movement is on foot for all the churches in Moyie to get together this year and have a joint Christmas tree and entertainment. With this object in view the different churches have selected committees to attend a meeting at the home of Mrs. Fitch next Monday afternoon to formulate plans and give the matter a general discussion. Following are the committees: Catholic—Mrs. Macdonald, Mrs. Patriquin and Mrs. Stewart. Methodist—Mrs. Boulton, Mrs. Fitch and Mrs. Ferguson. Presbyterian—Mrs. MacEachern, Mrs. Cameron and Miss Nicholson.

Murder suspect … There have been numerous developments in the mysterious Blairmore murder case during the week. The most important are that the police have practically abandoned the idea that Sam Sing, the Chinese cook arrested on suspicion, was the murderer and have turned to another suspect as being the most probable perforator of the deed. This individual is one Mike Phillips, a Polish man who left Frank the day after the murder under circumstances which are at least suspicious.

The police think they have at least a fairly strong circumstantial case against Phillips and are spending every effort to locate him.

The cook Sing informed the police that Phillips was the last man he saw at the resort of Monte Lewis, that he had been there four nights preceding the murder, and was there the night on which it was committed it has been learned that Phillips had spent something like $100 in the woman’s place and was “about all in,” as she herself expressed it, the day before she was killed.

It has also been learned that the woman had a considerable sum of money about her two days before the murder and the theory now held is that Phillips quarreled with the woman and either killed her for the money or killed her in rage and later took the money.

Phillips had been batching in one shack, but the night before he left did not stay there, instead, he slept in an unoccupied shack and left the next day without drawing $40 pay he had coming from the Coal company. Many other circumstances direct suspicion to Phillips.

Following is the description of Phillips: Nationality, Pole; speaks good English; 5 feet 8 or 9 inches tall; weight, about 150 to 160 pounds, was clean shaven, dark hair and eyes, big nose, thick lips, upper being thicker than lower, full face, square cheeks and square build; wore a dark suit of clothes, almost black with a red thread running through the cloth; wore a peak cap and a black shirt without tie, is fond of drink and quarrelsome when drunk. The cook Sing has his hearing today. He will likely be discharged.

The Cranbrook Hotel: Past, Present and Future!

No slot machines … In Fernie, acting under orders from the police commission, the chief of police has closed all slot machines operating in the city.

New store … W. D. Hill & Co.’s new furniture building on Armstrong Avenue, is practically finished and is full of furniture. Plate glass windows have yet to be added, but the glass for them not having yet arrived, a temporary wooden partition has been put in.

Lady’s present …When selecting your Christmas present for the lady of the house, get her something useful and labor saving, that she will appreciate. We would suggest a Kootenay range, the stay satisfactory range. It will keep her in good humor and make life worth living. Patmore Bros, have them in all sizes and prices.

Theatre party … Beattie & Atchison’s store is always considered headquarters in the district for the purchase of gifts. From the early days of Cranbrook, when R. E. Beattie ran the little two by four drug store on the corner opposite the Cranbrook hotel, until today, when this well-known firm does business in their present splendid quarters, the name of Beattie has always been associated with Christmas gifts.

The firm of Beattie & Atchison is well aware of this fact and has always returned the compliment to their customers by means of some Christmas souvenir or another for the children. This year their Christmas gift was the most magnificent of all and, we venture to say, gave more real pleasure than anything that has ever been done along this line since Cranbrook was a baby. We refer to the theatre party given by this firm on Saturday afternoon last.

As soon as the doors of the new opera house were opened the rush began. And what a rush it was. A rush that only Cranbrook’s rising generation can make. The faces of the children were a study. There were the laughing faces of the rosy cheeked boys and there were the wistful expectant faces of the girls all anxious to get into the theatre and get the front seats. In a very short time the house was full, but there was room for everybody and no one was turned away. Then when all were seated and before the orchestra played the overture, began a babble of cat calls and whistles which would put the gods in a metropolitan opera house to shame.

The mothers, aunts, cousins, and grandmothers of the children were there too and enjoyed it all immensely.

Trainmen’s ball … The Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen will give their annual ball on New Year’s Eve this year at the new opera house and the committee in charge is making arrangements to give the people of Cranbrook the best ball in the history of the order in this city. Bear in mind the date and don’t fail to secure a ticket.

Ratepayer meeting … A large attendance greeted the speaker in the Gym last Sunday afternoon, and a very good meeting was held. The address by Alderman McCowan was vigorous, and the questions came thick and fast for a few moments, all of which were answered by the councillor. Several other speakers took the floor and it was generally said that the time had come for a change in the conduct of the affairs of the municipality, although it was quite agreed that civic work was not the easiest, and it was not possible for any council to please everybody. Mr. Andrew McCowan was warmly thanked for his address. The majority of those present were ratepayers.

Basketball training … Sergeant Instructor Connolly is about to give instructions in Physical Drill and Military Training to the members of the Basket Ball Association and the Gymnasium. A large number of names have been enrolled and the first drill takes place Wednesday evening December 4th., at 8.30. Instruction will be given strictly along military lines and it is expected great interest will be taken not only by the members of the Gymnasium and the Basket Ball Association , but by outsiders as well, who can become members of the Gymnasium. All young men over the age of sixteen can become members and are entitled to all privileges of the gymnasium, physical and military training etc., as well as being entitled to see all the league basketball games of the season. All young men should procure membership tickets to the Gymnasium so as to avail themselves of the opportunities that can be derived there from.