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It happened this week in Cranbrook: 1909

Court news from Cranbrook, including: Stolen fountain pens; Resisting arrest; wife desertion.
Who here still has their carbo-magnetic razors (will last a lifetime)?

Dave Humphrey

Items compiled from the archived newspapers held at the Cranbrook History Centre Archives


Off to jail ... George Raddler, the man who was arrested by Chief Dow in Cranbrook some months ago for receiving stolen fountain pens, has just been sent to Stony Mountain penitentiary for two years on the charge on which Mr. Dow arrested him.

Hard labour ... Joe Sanebick was given three months hard labour this week by Police. Magistrate Ryan and J. A. Arnold, J.P., for resisting arrest. The city and provincial authorities are determined that the police shall not be interfered with in the execution of their duty.

Choir forming ... Bandmaster Corrison has been approached in regard to forming a choral society in the city. Ladies and gentlemen desirous of becoming members must have a knowledge of reading music, and please communicate with Mr. Corrison at once.

Big mistake ... The trappers living in the Upper Elk above Michel have a rather good joke on Mr. Moore, chief engineer on the C.P.R. development work in that district. It appears that the horses in that country are a very small variety, while jack rabbits grow to an unusually large size, and during the cold spell last week a number of these animals took refuge in the stables. Mr. Moore is reported to have made a mistake between the horses and rabbits and was about to harness a team of the latter as a means of transporting some grub into camp, but the rabbits, not being "harness broke" succeeded in making good their escape.

Wife desertion ... Charging John Hunter, of Fernie, B. C., with wife desertion, a warrant was on Saturday afternoon sworn out for the man who is alleged to have deserted his aged and helpless wife and left her living alone in a poorly constructed little house on the beach at the foot of Eldridge avenue, where she is being supported by charity. Hunter is a man of means. He has money and property in Fernie. Last May he left his wife here and went to Scotland. He has returned to Fernie but seemingly will do nothing for his aged spouse. Rev. J. Robertson Macartney, who has thoroughly interested himself, in Mrs. Hunter's case, who split wood for her, supplied food and fuel and otherwise tried to cheer her lot, went to the prosecuting attorney Thursday to see if something could not be done for the woman by compelling her deserting husband to do his duty. The official was in doubt whether anything could be done or not. Yesterday afternoon he went before Judge Featherkile, had a warrant sworn out for Hunter and an effort will be made to bring him back.

Fire ... On Monday evening an alarm was rung in for a fire in the C. C. Store. The prompt action of the fire brigade prevented the destruction of the building, confining the fire to the central portion of the store. The fire is supposed to have originated from an overheated stove pipe. The proprietor and clerks having left for supper about 20 minutes before the alarm was rung in, intending to return and finish their day's work. The damage to the building is small, but the stock suffered severely from water and ice. Great praise is due the fire brigade for their efficient work, which was done under difficulties, with the thermometer 26 degrees below zero.

Winner of a woman ... There is a great opportunity for some bachelor who is matrimonially inclined if he can make himself solid with a certain girl in Salmon river. A correspondent writes that she is "the smartest girl in that district. She cooks for ten men, cuts the wood and carries the water, brows the logs to keep three teams going, and has plenty of time to visit her friends." With a wife capable of doing all that the man of the house need worry about nothing, but could sit all day and smoke. With the saving in energy that would result from having only one man to look after, instead of ten, this maiden should be able to turn her hand to other work, and amass considerable wealth for the lucky man who gets her.

Plans Masonic Temple ... The Masonic fraternity of Cranbrook have under consideration plans for the building of a much larger temple. The main feature of the proposed new building will be a large and specially designed lodge room, a commodious banqueting hall and other necessary apartments. The lower floor will be used as a public hall. The building will cost about $12,000.

The gymnasium ... Two ladies teams are preparing for a basketball match in the near future. A novel scheme is on foot for a masquerade game, each player being disguised. A Gym concert will also be given soon, and an amateur play is to be given in aid of the debt fund in a few weeks' time. Things will be lively as soon as the cold wave moderates, the scheme to encourage the young lads to use the building, and the setting for the ladies, has met with good success.

Some thieves ... The Crow's Nest Trading Company's store was burglarised on Saturday night, but no great haul was made, the thieves being apparently amateurs with a minimum amount of nerve, as they failed to get away with the bulk of the plunder selected, contenting themselves with a modest outfit of wearing apparel. A night watchman has been engaged who will make it interesting for the next midnight marauder.

Up for trial ... Thos. Wilson is in the toils as the result of his misguided zeal in endeavoring to obtain money without giving any adequate return for it. Tom fatuously believed that the local hotel men were easy and proceeded forthwith to exchange worthless checks for the coin of the realm. He evidently expected to do a large trade in this line as he had fourteen worthless checks on his person when he was gathered in. He was committed for trial.

Frost bite ... The blizzard of Saturday demoralised things to a considerable extent about the mines and many frost bites are reported; none of a serious nature however, excepting the freezing of Motorman Bright's hands. J. Bright, motorman at the mine, had three fingers on his hands severely frozen last Tuesday while running his motor. Dr. Weldon dressed the frozen members and the fingers will be saved, but Mr. Bright will be off duty for a week or two.

Good care taken ... Miss Crandall, principal of the high school, gave a skating party to the young ladies of her class on Tuesday evening. The program of skating was arranged similar to a ball program and all present enjoyed themselves to the fullest extent, the only drawback being the inclement weather. After the skating an adjournment was made to The Palm, where a good bean supper was partaken of. Miss Crandall was mindful of the fact that the sterner sex are sometimes needful and each lady was supplied with an attendant.