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A groatsworth of Hugs & Slugs


Slugs: To the man who moved to Cranbrook with his wife a few years ago and was bragging about using nepotism to find a family doctor “within a few days.” You may want to keep this information to yourself. There are a lot of people in Cranbrook who have lived here their whole lives, paid taxes in this town and have lost their family doctor. They will not be impressed with your story. Many of these people have been told that there is a waiting list at clinics or that clinics are not taking new patients.

Hugs: To the 9 year old boy who was yelled at extensively by another child’s mother at Rotary Park on Thursday afternoon. Let’s make an effort to be kind and set a positive example for kids rather than the opposite.

Slugs: To all those dog owners who allow their dogs to defecate in their neighbours’ yards, on publicly used trails, in our parks, on our beaches, sidewalks, etc (even when signs are displayed requiring people to pick up after their pets and bags are provided). Owning a pet carries responsibilities with it. If you are not willing to shoulder those responsibilities please DO NOT take on a pet.

Slugs: The City is wasting thousands of dollars on painting the thick white line on the road prior to a stop sign. No one seems to know the purpose of the line! Educate yourselves, Cranbrook! Read the rules of the road, obey them and stop giving heart attacks as you speed up to a stop sign giving the impression you might be ignoring the STOP!

Slugs: In reference to Legal Tender-Cash. I understand your disappointment with businesses for refusing to accept cash, comrade, but the time might come, perhaps in our lifetime, where cash will become a thing of the past. There are no longer any phonebooth since the invention of the I-phone.

Hugs: To Mayor Price’s assistant Kelly & the city support staff who when notified, rectified the problem of the Council broadcast on Rogers quitting prior to the meeting being finished. Thank You.

Hugs: To pet owners that train their animals to use litter boxes and take bags on walks and bring home the poop rather than leaving it front lawns and on sidewalks etc. for others to deal with. If you want animals you need to take care of them!

Slugs: To the City for apparently forgetting that Baker Street extends from 14th Avenue to 17th Avenue past Mount Baker High School, and neglecting to do any upkeep to the road surface the last two to three years, as well as being slow to plow this stretch during the winter.

Slugs: To all the truck/trailers that are working from surrounding new developments, your speed is never 50 and you speed by with your trailers banging up and down the whole way to wherever it is your headed. The noise is second really, the first is where you are making this horrible noise in an area filled with many homes and many children & pets, etc, and yet no respect for any of us. May you try and go slower so you do not wreck the road more than it is, I assume if you were listening to that all day long you would not like it either.

Slugs: Imagine our surprise on Monday when the three or four cent increase we expected at the pump turned out to be a fourteen cent increase. Talk about taking advantage! Obviously all the service stations got the memo as they all have the exact same price.

Hugs: To Sun Valley Song and the Clarion Four for the absolutely beautiful, wonderful, entertaining concert they put on in the Presbyterian Church - Thank You so much for sharing your talents with the community.

Hugs: Sincere thumbs up to Dr. Scott Anderson and all his supporting staff at his office and the Ambulatory Clinic for another successful cataract surgery.

Hugs: To the awesome Real Estate lady, Michelle Rybachuk, & wonderful Home Inspector, Michael Stevens, who made my transition from the coast to this lovely city so much easier! Both went above & beyond their job descriptions to help an old widow find the home of her dreams! Blessings & HUGS to both!

Slugs: A huge slug to the gas stations in Cranbrook and Jaffray for gouging their customers for fuel (178.9). The fuel in Elko is 161.9 and Fernie 163.9. How can that be? A even bigger slug to the government for allowing this crap to go on without penalty. Our MLA and MP should take notice and try and do something about this issue.

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